Friday, August 16, 2013

Fresh Juice

Fresh juice is a great way to sneak more vegetables and fruits into your diet. In addition to being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fresh juice contains very high levels of soluble fiber, which has been shown to promote good health and prevent disease. Although your options are endless when it comes to juicing, there are some vegetables and fruits that you should drink daily, as they are incredibly rich in disease-fighting natural chemicals and nutrients. Here are nine of the healthiest vegetables and fruits for juicing.

1. Carrots

Carrot juice houses exceptionally high levels of the powerful phytonutrient antioxidant beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. In fact, you can obtain over 300 percent of the daily-recommended intake of vitamin A by drinking just 3 ounces of fresh carrot juice. It also contains large amounts of other essential vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.

2. Tomato

Tomatoes have a very high juice yield making them a perfect fruit for juicing. Red tomato juice is an excellent source of lycopene, a powerful carotenoid that may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. In addition to lycopene, you can obtain large doses of vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin C, and vitamin K from drinking tomato juice. It's also rich in the essential mineral potassium.

3. Kale

Kale is an incredibly rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin C, potassium, iron, and calcium. Due to it's rich concentration of beta-carotene, regular consumption of kale juice may protect against heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain forms of cancer. Plain kale juice can be quite bitter in taste but it pairs very well with carrot and tomato juice.

4. Beets

Beet juice has an extremely high content of flavonoids and has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce total cholesterol, and protect against some forms of cancer. It also contains large amounts of other essential vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, folate, and potassium, which contribute to its disease protection.

5. Cranberries

When prepared using fresh (or previously frozen) cranberries, cranberry juice is a potent source of phytochemicals called polyphenols that have antioxidant effects. Due to its extremely high polyphenol content, cranberry juice has been shown to protect against urinary tract infections, heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, and certain forms of cancer. Given the tart, bitter taste of cranberries, it's best to juice them with other fruits that are naturally sweet like apples, oranges, or grapes.

6. Cauliflower

Specific phytochemicals (glucosinolates, dithiolethiones, and polyphenols) contained in cauliflower support and promote the body's natural antioxidant and detoxification mechanisms. In addition, cauliflower contains a substantial amount of vitamin C, which greatly enhances its antioxidant and detoxification effects. You can also obtain other important nutrients from cauliflower including vitamin K, folate, and potassium.

7. Blueberries

Blueberry juice contains large quantities of key nutrients including vitamin C and vitamin K. Due to its rich content of phytochemicals (anthocyanins and ellagitannins), consuming blueberry juice every day can improve blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and stabilize blood sugar. Daily consumption of this juice may also suppress tumor growth in the presence of cancer.

8. Celery

Celery juice is a great source of sodium and potassium, making it the perfect electrolyte replacement drink after a workout. It also contains a compound called coumarin. Coumarin compounds are active components of herbs and medications used for the treatment of various diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. These compounds have also been shown to be effective in the treatment of migraines.

9. Pineapple

Pineapple juice can add a hint of tropical flair and sweetness to just about any juice blend. It contains extremely high amounts of vitamin C and manganese but what makes pineapple most nutritious is its high content of bromelain. Bromelain aids in the digestion of protein, which is especially beneficial if you consume meat and dairy products on a regular basis. It's also an effective aid for reducing swelling and inflammation associated with injury or arthritis.

For good health and disease prevention, include at least 200-400 ml approx. of these nine vegetables and fruits in your fresh juice blends on a regular basis. For maximal benefits, it's best to use a fruit-to-vegetable ratio of at least 1:2 or even 1:3 when drinking fresh juice. In other words, for every 2 servings of fruit you juice add 4-6 servings of vegetables.
The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda

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