Saturday, August 17, 2013

Juice: Better For Healthier Life: Detox

Research has found that drinking fresh pressed juice has incredible health benefits such as improving sleep, increasing energy, decreasing stress and prolonging life expectancy.
Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from fruits and vegetables. You’ve probably heard that juice goes directly to your bloodstream because it lacks fiber to slow its digestion. This is true, but that’s also precisely the reason it can be a healthful part of your diet – it’s quick, pre-digested energy and nutrients for you body. In other words, your body doesn’t have to work to digest the fiber of the fruits and vegetables, so you’ll get the maximum nutrition, without any waste.
It’s satisfying. Since it’s bursting with nutrients and enzymes your body craves, it will keep you satisfied longer. The typical diet is full of empty carbohydrates and sugars, which have very little nutrition. When you drink vegetable juice, it provides your body with the fuel it needs, which in turn keeps you feeling full longer.
You might be wondering why in the world we’d recommend adding anything to your schedule during a juice cleanse, but the truth is, although a cleanse seems like a lot to handle amidst your busy schedule, you might just find that you have a little extra time on your hands! With no food prep or food shopping to take care of and no sit-down dinners or lunch dates to pencil in you may just find you have the time to fit in one or more of our highly recommended – and highly enjoyable! – activities to supplement your cleanse.
It’s easier than you think. Most people are pleasantly surprised by how easy juicing actually is. Yes, juicers are notoriously painful to clean and they can make quite a mess, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It usually takes me about 30 minutes (from start to finish) to make my daily juice and clean my juicer. Just 30 minutes. Once you start, I think you’ll find that the benefit far outweighs the cost.
“As with all of our advice regarding detoxification, please consult your health practitioner before engaging in any detox activities.”
These two juice recipes are great for beginners, because the taste is more mild and palatable than the vegetable juice you may have tried in the past. Once you’ve become accustomed to the taste, try reducing the sweeter fruits, like apples, and focusing more on veggies and low-sugar fruits such as lemons and limes.
Cheers to your health!
I drink this juice daily, and with good reason. The base is celery, which is a little known nutritional powerhouse. It’s loaded with potassium, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and essential amino acids. On top of all that, it’s one of the most alkalinizing things you can put in your body. To the celery, I add kale, green apple, parsley, lime, lemon and ginger, creating an extremely potent, detoxifying cocktail.
1 bunch celery
4-5 kale leaves (preferably lacinato)
1 green apple
one big handful of flat leaf parsley leaves
1 lime
1 lemon
1 inch of fresh ginger
Beet Apple and Blackberry Juice.
Beet juice is a powerful cleanser of the blood, and highly nutritious. It’s full of folate, manganese potassium, iron and Vitamin C. To the beets, I add apples, blackberries and ginger, creating a deep red and delicious elixir.
3 small beets
2-3 apples
8 oz. blackberries
1/2 inch fresh ginger
Green juice…
1.Detoxifies the body – It’s very cleansing and assists in the removal of toxins that people absorb everyday
2.Fosters healthy weight loss
3. Helps to alkalize the body (This is important as many diseases thrive in acidic conditions)
4. Strengthens your immune system
5. Gives you more energy (because juicing reduces the energy your body needs to digest foods)
Drink two/three glasses of juice a day and over half of that is made of sprouts, which are 30 times more nutritious than even the best vegetables! This juice combines two different types of sprouts.
The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda

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