Friday, August 16, 2013

Healthy Foods For Your Child's Lunchbox

Healthy foods give children the energy they need on a daily basis as well as the vitamins and minerals that help their bodies and minds to develop and mature. When it comes to promoting healthy eating habits among children certain foods need to be incorporated into their everyday meals. Since lunch is an especially important meal for school-age children, here are ten incredibly nutritious foods that you should consider including in your child's lunchbox.

Peanut Butter

The peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a quick and easy lunchtime staple for children but your child can also use peanut butter alone as a healthy dip for vegetables and fruits like celery, carrots, and apple wedges. Peanut butter is a valuable source of dietary fiber, protein, healthy fats, and many other important nutrients. The healthiest peanut butter is minimally processed, organic, natural, and sugar-free (or low in sugar). If your child has peanut allergy, opt for other healthy nut butters made from almonds or walnuts.

Whole Grains

You can greatly boost the nutritional value of your child's lunch by including healthy whole grain breads, wraps, or crackers. Whole grains are an excellent source of dietary fiber and contain a wide range of beneficial nutrients that promote healthy growth and development including high-quality carbohydrates, protein, B-complex vitamins, zinc, and magnesium.

Baby Carrots

Instead of chips, add baby carrots to your child's lunchbox. They contain exceptionally high levels of the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Children require sufficient amounts of vitamin A for proper eye development and immune function. Baby carrots also contain large amounts of other essential nutrients that children required in adequate amounts including vitamin C, niacin, and thiamin.


Dress your child's sandwich with spinach to increase its nutritional value. Spinach contains incredibly large amounts of dietary fiber and many important nutrients that children need for proper growth and development. Some of these include vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Spinach is also highly concentrated with beta-carotene.

Hardboiled Eggs

Hardboiled eggs are a classic, high-protein lunchbox filler and they're packed full of many essential nutrients. While egg whites alone are nutritious and very low in calories, egg yolks are a great source of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals including selenium and vitamin D. When your child is immunized, selenium helps protect them from infection and disease while vitamin D plays a critical role in their bone health.


Nuts are a valuable source of dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fats and a fun inclusion in your child's lunchbox. Almonds in particular house large quantities of key nutrients needed by children including magnesium and calcium, which are bone friendly minerals. They're also an excellent source of iron. Iron is one of the most under consumed minerals among children yet it's extremely important for growth, brain development, and healthy immune function.


Yogurt is a quick and convenient source of many essential nutrients including protein, vitamin B12, potassium, calcium, and phosphorous. While regular consumption of all these nutrients is important for children, adequate intake of protein, calcium, and phosphorous is especially critical as they're necessary for the development of healthy bones and teeth.

Cherry Tomatoes

Convenient bite-size cherry tomatoes make a great high-fiber food that can easily fit in your child's lunchbox. Cherry tomatoes contain large quantities of antioxidants including vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lycopene, which can greatly reduce your child's risk of developing chronic diseases (heart disease, stroke, and cancer) as they age.

Apple Wedges

Apple wedges are a perfect-sized fruit to include in a healthy lunch. They contain a type of fiber called pectin that greatly promotes good health and prevents disease. The pectin in apples keeps your child feeling fuller, longer, which can help to increase your child's focus during school. Apple wedges also contain good amounts of vitamin C, especially when their skins are intact.

Implementing these  foods as part of a healthy balanced diet is a sure way to get children on a path to healthy lives, but it doesn't stop there. It's also important for children to get an adequate amount of daily physical activity to reduce their risk of obesity and other chronic diseases during both childhood and adulthood.
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Dr Unnati Chavda

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